Rypestøl, JO (2022). The social dimension of asset modification for regional industrial restructuring


This chapter aims to shed light on how the social dimension can influence the processes of asset modification in regional industrial restructuring. Relying on social capital theory and the studies discussing actors and agency in processes of regional industrial restructuring, the chapter suggests an analytical framework that can be useful for increasing our understanding of the role of social relations in the processes of asset modification in regional industrial restructuring. The framework postulates three dimensions of relationships that influence the ability of regions to identify the need for asset modification and to initiate and complete such processes: structural, relational and cognitive.

This is a preprint of a book chapter accepted for publication in:
S. Sardo, B. Misganaw, E. Sæther, and B. Callegari (Eds). Social aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.