Research articles

There are several differences between peer-reviewed articles (and book chapters) and research articles. Firstly, scientific articles (and book chapters) undergoes strict (double-blind) review from internationally recognised peers, while research articles do not meet this criterion. Another difference is that, while an essential standard for peer-reviewed scientific articles should offer a significant new contribution to the world, research publications need not. The third difference between scientific articles and research articles is that scientific peer-reviewed articles have to follow language, structure, form, and scope standards. These requirements do not apply to research publications.

I list the various research articles I have submitted during my years as a researcher on this page. The research articles rely on extensive empirical material collected from in-depth interviews or tailored surveys. When following a qualitative method, we conduct (on average) 40 to 50 in-depth interviews, and when adhering to more quantitative approaches, we tend to survey several hundred firms for information. On average, Each report has a stipulated workload of about 200 hours.

As you will see, most research articles result from collaboration between several researchers. Such researcher triangulation is essential, as it ensures that conclusions and recommendations are not the results of a person's work but the result of extensive professional discussions amongst peers.

Finally, you will also see that most of the listed articles are analyses for the National Bank of Norway. Since these reports include information that can (possibly) influence the stock market and national monetary, these articles are confidential and not accessible to any other than the National Bank itself. The analyses presented in the regional reports are included in a national version presented to the Executive Board of the Bank. According to the Bank itself, this report provides essential information to the monetary policy decision-makers. 

The significance of the national report is also clearly manifested on the day the report is published, as the report often causes a calibration of exchange rates and/or other macroeconomic measures.

If you are interested in reading more about this particular project, you can read (a little) more about the Norges Bank project by visiting "my research projects".

Below you will find a comprehensive overview of my research publications.


List of research publications (Januar 1st. 2022)
Publications marked (*) are confidential.

  • Rypestøl, J.O., Vangstad, A., & Angell, E. (NB 4:2021). Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2021 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4:2021), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, J.O., Vangstad, A., & Angell, E. (NB 3:2021). Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 3/2021 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 3:2021), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, J.O., Vangstad, A., & Angell, E. (NB 2:2021). Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 2/2021 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 2:2021), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, J.O., Vangstad, A., & Angell, E. (NB 1:2021). Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 1/2021 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 1:2021), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, J.O., Vangstad, A., & Angell, E. (NB 4:2020). Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2020 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4:2020), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, J.O., Vangstad, A., & Angell, E. (NB 3:2020). Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 3/2020 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 3:2020), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, J.O., Vangstad, A., & Angell, E. (NB 2:2020). Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 2/2020 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 2:2020), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, JO., Vangstad, A & Angell, E (NB 1:2020). Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 1/2020 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 1:2020), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, JO., Fjelldal, Ø. & Blomgren, A. (2019). Næringsattraktivtet i Arendal kommune. Utvikling fra 2018 til 2019. NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Report nr. 27, December 2019.
  • Rypestøl, JO., Vangstad, A & Angell, E (NB 4:2019): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2019 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4: 2019), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, JO., Fjelldal, Ø. & Blomgren, A. (2019). Næringsattraktivtet i Østre Agder. NORCE, Norwegian Research Centre, Report nr. 28-2019.
  • Rypestøl, JO., Vangstad, A & Angell, E (NB 3:2019): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 3/2019 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 3: 2019), NORCE
  • Ellingsen, MB, Sollund, MK, Rypestøl, JO (2019): Forventningsbarometer for Nord Norge, Rapport nr. 11-2019, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre , ISBN-nr: 978-82-8408-023-9
  • Rypestøl, JO., Vangstad, A. & Angell, E. (NB 2:2019): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 2/2019 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 2:2019), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, JO., Vangstad, A. & Angell, E. (NB 1:2019): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 1/2019 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 1:2019), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 4:2018): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2018 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4:2018), NORCE
  • Rypestøl, JO., Mølland, E., Vangstad, A. & Bjorvatn, T. (NB 3:2018): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 3/2018 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 3:2018), Agderforskning
  • Rypestøl, JO., Fjelldal, Ø. & Blomgren, A. (2018): Næringsattraktivitet I Arendal Kommune, Prosjektrapport nr. 5/2018, Agderforskning
  • Mølland, E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 2/2018): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 2/2018 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 2:2018), Agderforskning
  • Rypestøl, JO (2018), Det regionale innovasjonssystemet I Agder, Prosjektrapport nr. 2/2018, Agderforskning
  • Mølland, E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 1/2018): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 1/2018 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 1:2018), Agderforskning
  • Mølland, E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 4/2017): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2017 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4:2017), Agderforskning
  • Mølland, E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 3/2017): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 3/2017( Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 3:2017), Agderforskning
  • Rypestøl, JO. (2017): Kunnskapsnettverk I Agderforskning (Collaboration and publication networks in Agderforskning). Project 2196 AF, Agderforskning
  • Mølland, E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 2/2017): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 2/2017 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 2:2017), Agderforskning
  • Mølland, E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB NASJONAL 2/2017): Nasjonal rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 2/2017 (Macroeconomic analysis for Norway 2:2017), Agderforskning
  • Isaksen, A., Karlsen, J. & Rypestøl, JO. (2017): Gründerskap i klynger - Evaluering av et mulig nytt virkemiddel, Universitetet i Agder.
  • Mølland, E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 1/2017): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 1/2017 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 1:2017), Agderforskning
  • Strickert, S., Rypestøl, JO. & Kyllingstad, N. (2016): Omstilling Agder - En gjennomgang av gründertiltaket Veksthuset i en ekstraordinær tid. Prosjektrapport 8/2016), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 4/2016): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2016 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4:2016), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 3/2016): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 3/2016 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 3:2016), Agderforskning
  • Aarstad, J., & Rypestøl, JO. (2016), En evaluering og analyse av NCE Media: Klyngenivå og bedriftsnivå. Arbeidsnotatserien Senter for Nyskaping 1-2016
  • Jørgensen, G., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 2/2016): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 2/2016 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 2:2016), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 1/2016): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 1/2016 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 1:2016), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 4/2015): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2015 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4:2015), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 3/2015): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 3/2015 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 3:2015), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 2/2015): Regional rapport Norges Bank, Runde 2/2015 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 2:2015), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 1/2015): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 1/2015 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 1:2015), Agderforskning
  • Rypestøl, JO (2014): Banebrytende Nyetableringer? En kartlegging av nyetablerte bedrifter med potensiale til å starte nye næringer på Agder. FOU Rapport Nr 8/2014, Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 4/2014): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2014 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4:2014), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 3/2014): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 3/2014 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 3:2014), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 2/2014): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 2/2014 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 2:2014), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 1/2014): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 1/2014 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 1:2014), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB NASJONAL 4/2013): Nasjonal rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2013 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4:2014), Agderforskning
  • Jørgensen, G., E., Hansen, K., Rypestøl, JO. & Vangstad, A. (NB 4/2013): Regional rapport Norges Bank (*), Runde 4/2013 (Macroeconomic analysis for southern Norway 4:2013), Agderforskning