Conference presentations

2020 Rethinking Clusters, III International Conference on Cluster Research (Online). Universitat Politècnica de València and University of Valencia, Spain. 24-25 November 2020. Paper presentation: Cluster development and regional industrial restructuring: Agency and asset modification 

2019 Regional Innovation Policies Conference 2019, Firenze, Italy, 7th -8th November 2019.Paper presentation: Regional industrial restructuring. Exogenous shocks and the dynamism of knowledge sourcing.

2019 RSA, Santiago De Compostela, 2019. Paper presentation: Asset modification for
regional digital transformation.

2019 International Workshop, "innovation-based Regional Restructuring and New Path
Development: New Avenues for Research and Policy", Vienna, 25-27 February 2019.
Paper presentation: Digital transformation of regional industries: The link between
new path development, innovation system dynamics and asset modification.

2018 RIP, Bergen. Paper presentation: Regional industrial restructuring: The role of
system-level entrepreneurs. Bergen, October 11th -12th 2018. Chair of Session B1
("Green" regional development, environmental sustainability and policy.

2017 RSA, Dublin, Ireland: RSA Annual Conference, Dublin June 4.-7., 2017. Paper
presentation: Context and Entrepreneurship: The Thickness of Regional Innovation
Systems and its effect on Entrepreneurial Innovativeness and Growth Ambitions.
Chair of Session 2, Actors in innovation systems, RSA 2017

2016 AAG, San Francisco, USA: AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Mars 29.-April 2.,
2016. Paper presentation: Linking Content and Technology- On the geography of
innovation Networks in the Bergen Media Cluster

2015 RSA, Piacenza, Italy: RSA Annual Conference, Piacenza, May 24-27, 2015. Paper
presentation: Regional Industrial Path Development- The role of new entrepreneurial